Cancer Moonshot℠ Open Access Policy - National Cancer Institute

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-06-08


"Consistent with the data-sharing goals of the Cancer Moonshot, NCI is establishing a data sharing pilot program that supports open access for all research results and underlying data of projects that are funded as part of the Cancer Moonshot. This approach implements recommendations - for researchers, clinicians, and patients to collaborate in sharing their collective data and knowledge about cancer - made by the Enhanced Data Sharing working group of the Blue Ribbon Panel, formed in April 2016 under the auspices of the National Cancer Advisory Board. NCI will give competitive preference and funding priority to applications with a data sharing plan that is aligned with this preference. In addition, the data sharing plan will become a term and condition of award. NCI expects awardees to include anticipated publication charges in the budget plan of their application."


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Date tagged:

06/08/2017, 16:20

Date published:

06/08/2017, 12:20