Assessing journal quality: Why a broad audience is a step towards tangible impact

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-06-22


"Finding the right fit for your journal article is no simple task. What may be the right fit for one study, won’t necessarily be true for the next. Today’s scholars have many options and can gain from a multiplicity of outlets as part of their published repertoire. Broad audience is one particular benefit that we are proud to deliver due to its impact on the wider communication of scientific findings, but we know it is not the only consideration. What matters more is that each researcher is asking what they are looking to get out of their publishing experience and whether their chosen outlet is delivering. Our final piece in this series on journal quality will turn to peer review, the importance of quality in the review process and how journals and researchers might evaluate this going forward."


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Sierra Williams

Date tagged:

06/22/2017, 18:24

Date published:

06/22/2017, 19:49