A New (and open-access!) Antibody Search Platform: BenchSci - the Node

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-07-15


"BenchSci has created a solution to this problem by developing a machine-learning algorithm that decodes primary research papers to identify the antibody used and the associated experimental contexts in each paper. Scientists can search their protein of interest on BenchSci’s open-access online platform, and find results displayed in the form of individual figures from scientific papers in which antibodies against that protein were used. These figures are easily filterable to allow users to narrow down their search results to the antibody use cases that best fit their experimental contexts and, ultimately, find the best antibodies for their experiments.

On the open-access BenchSci platform, we have developed several features that can facilitate evidence-based antibody selection. Check them out below!"



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


Date tagged:

07/15/2017, 20:11

Date published:

07/15/2017, 16:11