The future of academic publishing: Revolution or evolution? - Dodds - 2017 - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-07-20


"Key points

  • Concerns about a crisis in monograph publishing date back to at least the 1990s, and for traditional journal publishing at least a decade.
  • Two key trends behind concerns over book and journal models are pressures on funding and the emergence of open access.
  • Despite predictions of a revolution, the academic publishing sector has proved remarkably resilient in adapting to market changes.
  • Whilst showing some support for ‘open science’, even early career researchers remain committed to traditional publishing models.
  • The growth in scholarly collaboration networks and in sharing across traditional boundaries is the more likely disrupter of traditional publishing."


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07/20/2017, 22:15

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07/20/2017, 18:15