I4OC: Initiative for Open Citations - Press

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-08


"I4OC’s progress so far has been achieved thanks to helpful conversations with many of the larger publishers, and the majority have already decided to make their references freely available. But there are literally hundreds more publishers who are not currently making their reference data available even though this data is deposited with Crossref. We suspect this is largely because these organisations don’t realise that citation data is closed by default.

We therefore need your help to engage that long tail of organisations that the small group who established I4OC can’t contact ourselves. This means any publisher or learned society that is currently not listed as participating in I4OC. We feel that these discussions will be much more constructive and persuasive on a person-to-person level and in this way you can help us get closer to 100% open availability of citation data."



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Date tagged:

08/08/2017, 22:39

Date published:

08/08/2017, 18:39