Breaking data science open : how open data science is eating the world in SearchWorks

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-12


"Data science has captured the public’s attention over the past few years as perhaps the hottest and most lucrative technology field. No longer just a buzzword for advanced analytical software, data science is poised to change everything about an organization: its potential customers, its expansion plans, its engineering and manufacturing process, how it chooses and interacts with suppliers, and more. The leading edge of this tsunami is a combination of innovative business and technology trends that promise a more intelligent future based on the pairing of open source software and cross-organizational collaboration called Open Data Science. Open Data Science is a movement that makes the open source tools of data science—data, analytics, and computation—work together as a connected ecosystem."


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Date tagged:

08/12/2017, 17:42

Date published:

08/12/2017, 13:42