L’Editorial board si dimette – ROARS

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-13


From Google Translate: "In 2015, Elsevier LINGUA's entire board of directors resigns and establishes a new Glossa open access magazine . In 2017, the whole board of the Springer Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics magazine resigns and bases a similar magazine Algebraic combinatorics . Unlike Springer's magazine that required 3,000 euros for the publication of open access articles, the new magazine would have no costs for the authors. The Open Access Directory reports about twenty similar cases since 1989 with the motivations for board resignation. What prompted these researchers to resign from prestige in a prestigious magazine to found another equation in terms of filters and board quality, without any kind of bibliometric indicator for now, but ultimately freeing constraints (contractual and On copyright) imposed by publishers? Certainly the overpaying cost of subscriptions and the no less exaggerated cost of Article Processing Charges has led to board members a real rebellion and the will to resume control over the outcomes of the research activity of their scientific community. But ultimately releases the constraints (contractual and copyright) imposed by publishers? Certainly the overpaying cost of subscriptions and the no less exaggerated cost of Article Processing Charges has led to board members a real rebellion and the will to resume control over the outcomes of the research activity of their scientific community. But ultimately releases the constraints (contractual and copyright) imposed by publishers? Certainly the overpaying cost of subscriptions and the no less exaggerated cost of Article Processing Charges has led to board members a real rebellion and the will to resume control over the outcomes of the research activity of their scientific community."



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Date tagged:

08/13/2017, 17:32

Date published:

08/13/2017, 13:32