OSFair - eosc-meets-enterprises-needs

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-09-05


"The plenary session is organized by the EOSCpilot project which aims to improve the ability to reuse data resources and provide an important step towards building a dependable open-data research environment where data from publicly funded research is always open and there are clear incentives and rewards for the sharing of data and resources. In this framework, this  dedicated to the industry plenary session will enhance industry's engagement and allow enlightening of industry’s perspectives. As through the project enterprises would be able to compare state-of-the-art in the public and private domains and force EOSCpilot results to have a significant impact in technological advancement and to the society, the participation at the plenary session will allow the industry to highlight how Open Science could be beneficial for them and get a more active role."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks



Date tagged:

09/05/2017, 18:59

Date published:

09/05/2017, 14:58