Open and Shut?: The State of Open Access
lterrat's bookmarks 2022-01-01
"Last year I ran a series of Q&As to which I gave the title “The State of Open Access”. In total I conducted 19 interviews, which are all listed here.
During the time I was running the series I had a number of people suggest to me that, in fairness, I too should give my views on the current state of open access. I was initially resistant to the idea, since I see myself more as an observer of the movement than a participant.
After giving it some thought, however, I concluded that — in the interests of transparency and openness if nothing else — I ought to be prepared to answer the kind of questions I put to my interviewees.
I am therefore today publishing answers to a set of 11 questions that were put to me by neurobiologist and open access advocate Björn Brembs. (Brembs was one of those I interviewed, and his Q&A is here). ..."