Refugees and Humanitarian Assistance: Which Kind of Aid Is Best? | Center for Financial Inclusion blog

Human Rights documentation 2017-02-17


A new report from GSMA offers a handful of vignettes that illustrate the growing pervasiveness of phone-based financial services in refugee communities: In Pakistan, which has the third-largest refugee community in the world, the government is the primary source of cash assistance for displaced individuals, and the majority of cash transfers are completed via mobile money. Four of the market’s top five MNOs are active participants in the mobile money disbursement programs. In Uganda, GSMA surveyed refugees both in and outside camps and found that almost half of them used mobile money, mainly to receive remittances from family and friends. Recently, the MNO Orange Uganda built a tower in the Nakivale camp to support the launch of its mobile money service targeting the refugee population. Refugees in Rwanda are regular users of mobile money. Some are even working as mobile money agents.


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Date tagged:

02/17/2017, 03:32

Date published:

02/16/2017, 22:32