Wnt1 gene expression in the heart left ventricle as a response to the various durations of the intensive exercise: An experimental study

pubmed: wnt1 2024-09-04


Objective. Myocardial fibrosis is a devastating condition causing millions of deaths yearly. Several factors, such as aging, cause myocardial fibrosis. The Wnt/β-catenin pathway is one of the critical intracellular signaling for the development of cardiac fibrosis. Molecular and cellular mechanism of myocardial fibrosis induced by intensive exercise is not well-understood. The current study evaluates the effects of short- and long-term intensive exercise on the Wnt1 gene expression in a heart...



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Farzam Sheikhzadeh, Nazli Khajehnasiri, Mohammad Khalaj-Kondori, Ali Ramouz, Reihaneh Sadeghian

Date tagged:

09/04/2024, 08:10

Date published:

08/09/2024, 06:00