EOSC Declaration: OpenAIRE’s Response
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-09-18
OpenAIRE welcomes and endorses the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Declaration and the vision of European Open Science. As stated in the EOSC summit on 12.6.17 OpenAIRE has often emphasised that while EOSC develops a European research data commons, the scope should be broader. In our view and experience, EOSC must take a holistic approach and address all stages of scientific knowledge production, sharing and dissemination as integral parts of the Open Science agenda. More specifically, and to be effective and successful, EOSC must support Open Science through the entire research lifecycle, from conception of research ideas all the way to publication and peer evaluation, and include all research tools, artefacts and services used or produced in-between, including for example, software, instrument and infrastructure specifications, protocols and methods.