DEAL and Springer Nature: First results of the negotiation - Hochschulrektorenkonferenz

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-10-12


Project DEAL of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany and the publisher Springer Nature are negotiating a forward-looking model for publishing and reading scientific literature. After the latest meeting, the spokesman for the DEAL Project Steering Committee and President of the University Rectors Conference, Prof. Dr. Horst Hippler, and Dagmar Laging, Vice President Institutional Sales Europe at Springer Nature, commented that they have already achieved some alignment on principle questions.

In order to gain the necessary time for further negotiations on this very complex matter, the two sides agreed a cost-neutral extension of the existing Springer contracts by one year for those organisations whose contracts end on 31 December 2017. The Nature license which was negotiated within the framework of GASCO (German, Austrian and Swiss Consortia Organisation) is also to be extended for an additional year.


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Date tagged:

10/12/2017, 12:48

Date published:

10/12/2017, 08:48