Flipping journals or filling pockets? Publisher manipulation of OA policies | Unlocking Research
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-10-26
"As part of Open Access Week 2017, the Office of Scholarly Communication is publishing a series of blog posts on open access and open research. In this post Drs André Sartori and Danny Kingsley look at examples of where publishers have structured pricing to take full advantage of funds available through UK open access policies.
We are spending a lot on open access in the UK. The 2017-2018 RCUK block grant allocations alone to support the RCUK Policy on Open Access add up to more than £8 million. So, what happens when a country makes a decision to introduce a significant extra boost to the publication budget?"
https://unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/?p=1726From feeds:
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks