Progress towards the European Open Science Cloud | News item |
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-12-01
In order to take a step closer towards the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Germany and the Netherlands are setting up an international office to support the GO FAIR Initiative, the International Support and Coordination Office (ISCO). France is joining them and will also contribute to the office. GO FAIR aims to gradually open up existing research data at scientific and academic institutions in all research fields and across national borders – and is thus a stepping stone towards the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud. The EOSC is a project to provide an open platform for the exchange of research data and will link researchers across Europe. Research data will no longer be confined to hard-drives and USB sticks. The EOSC will enable the shared use and re-use of research findings and data, which will not only benefit science but also industry and society.