Kriterium: Experiences From The Pilot Phase
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-12-18
From a Summary Blog Post via
Kriterium is a platform for high-quality peer-reviewed academic books. All publications undergo rigorous peer-review to obtain the Kriterium seal of approval which also assures that the publications are available open access. The platform was launched as a pilot project in 2015 in order to support the monograph in a time of changing publication patterns. Coming to the end of the three-year-long pilot, the project has been evaluated by two scholars: Isak Hammar, Lund and Stockholm University, and Helena Francke of Borås University. They have delivered two separate reports which are positive as regards its continuation and point to a continued need of a national platform for the review, publication, and dissemination of scholarly monographs in Sweden.
Kriterium is a collaborative venture between the universities of Gothenburg, Lund, and Uppsala. The Swedish Research Council, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the National Library of Sweden and the publishers Nordic Academic Press and Makadam are involved in the project, as are the ACTA series and publication series of the universities.