Knowledge Unlatched titles reach over 1 million downloads in 2018

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-08-29


Knowledge Unlatched (KU) announces a new record for usage of its Open Access (OA) books. Over 950 titles from the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) have been accessed more than 1 million times by users worldwide in the past 8 months of this year alone. The increase in usage compared to 2017 is significant: On aggregate, KU content has seen 570,000 full-text downloads on the OAPEN platform and a further 490,000 chapter downloads on the JSTOR platform.


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Tags: oa.milestones oa.knowledge_unlatched oa.books

Date tagged:

08/29/2018, 17:41

Date published:

08/29/2018, 13:41