OpenAIRE becomes a fully fledged organisation

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-10-29


"OpenAIRE is happy to announce today the formation of its legal entity, OpenAIRE A.M.K.Ε., a non-profit partnership, to ensure a permanent presence and structure for a European-wide national policy and open scholarly communication infrastructure....

About OpenAIRE: OpenAIRE, funded by the EC since 2008, has led the shift to open scholarship in Europe and helped alignment with the rest of the world. An e-Infrastructure with a true EU footprint, OpenAIRE promotes open scholarship and improves the discoverability, accessibility, sharability, reusability, reproducibility and monitoring of data-driven research results, across scientific disciplines and thematic domains, cross-border in Europe and beyond.

A community-driven organisation at heart, OpenAIRE accomplishes a participatory infrastructure via its established network of 34 National Open Access Desks (NOADs) in EU member states and associated countries,  accompanied by a service-driven approach which aims to support, accellerate and monitor open sciece. Respecting and realizing the “no-one size-fits-all” of the diverse research community and cultural variety of Europe, OpenAIRE is an integral part and a leading force behind the developments of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.europe oa.openaire oa.policies oa.scholcomm oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

10/29/2018, 11:52

Date published:

10/29/2018, 08:52