Latest Update to European Open Data and Open Science Policies Released - SPARC Europe

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-12-24


An updated analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe reports a continued increase in the growth of related policies and an increase in uptake in countries where no such policy previously existed.

This latest report, released this week, is the latest update to an original analysis released in May 2017. It specifically examines activity across Europe between January and November 2018. The analysis delves into the types of policies in place across Europe, examining their processes of creation and some key specifics.

Among the key findings:

  • Five new policies were added between January and November 2018
  • New activity around national approaches to Open Data and Open Science have been noted in several additional countries: Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg and Poland.

While the primary focus of the analysis are the 28 EU member states, relevant countries from the European Research Area (Norway, Serbia and Switzerland) are also included.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.sparc_europe oa.open_science oa.policies oa.europe

Date tagged:

12/24/2018, 15:29

Date published:

12/24/2018, 03:34