Latest Update to European Open Data and Open Science Policies Released - SPARC Europe
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-12-24
"This document presents an updated review of Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe as of November 2018. This analysis goes more into depth on the types of policy in place in Europe, their processes of creation, and some of their specifics. This updated version of the deeper analysis reflects changes that have been identified between January and November 2018. We concentrate on the twenty-eight EU member states, but we also consider relevant countries from the European Research Area, namely Iceland, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland.
As with the first version of this analysis, we once again reached out to the European research community and received extremely helpful comments and pointers, particularly where documents are not currently available in English or work in progress has not yet been publicised. We are particularly grateful to the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desks (NOADs) for their help in identifying relevant documents and initiatives. Specific acknowledgements are given at the end of the document.
To summarise changes since the first version, five new policies (CZ, ES, FR, RS,SI) have been added in the period between January and November 2018. Furthermore, new activity around national approaches to Open Data and Open Science has been noted in several additional countries, e.g., Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg and Poland. ..."