With No Open Access Deal, UC Breaks with Elsevier | The Scientist Magazine

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2019-03-01


"The University of California has ended its subscription to journals published by Elsevier, citing a failure to reach an agreement that would lower fees and prioritize open access to its scholars’ work, the UC system announced yesterday (February 28). The decision to stop paying for access to Elsevier’s journals came after eight months of contract negotiations. 

The university system’s previous contract with the publishing giant expired on December 31, and the research heavyweight, accounting for nearly 10 percent of research output in the US, aimed to secure a deal to pay a one-time fee that covered both journal subscriptions and the processing fees to make UC researchers’ articles open access for all readers. ..."



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Date tagged:

03/01/2019, 17:22

Date published:

03/01/2019, 07:10