University of California break with Elsevier tipped to boost ‘global revolt’ | Times Higher Education (THE) - []

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2019-03-01


"The University of California system’s decision to end its contract with Elsevier has been hailed as a “major boost for the open access movement”, with scholars predicting it will result in a “snowball effect” on movement away from the use of high-cost subscription journals.

The major US public university system announced on 28 February that it was “taking a firm stand” by not renewing its nearly $11 million-a-year (£8.3 million) scholarly journal subscription to the publishing giant, following attempts to negotiate a new deal....

Michael Eisen, adjunct professor of genetics and development at the University of California, Berkeley, said the move does not go far enough and called for the UC system to adopt an “ironclad mandate” stipulating that all content produced by UC faculty will be made “immediately freely available” and refusing to “pay a single penny for subscription access to content that should be freely available”.

“If they adopted this stance, and stuck to it, other universities would follow suit and publishers would have no choice but to rapidly transition to a fully open access system,” he said...."


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Tags: oa.u.california oa.elsevier oa.journals oa.contracts oa.cancellations oa.offsets

Date tagged:

03/01/2019, 18:04

Date published:

03/01/2019, 05:02