OSU Libraries and Elsevier, one of the world's major providers of scientific, technical and medical information | Libraries | Oregon State University
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2019-03-05
"In early 2019, OSU Libraries began to prepare for its negotiations with the global publisher Elsevier for a possible 2020 contract renewal. The preparation has focused on discussing scenarios with contract partners at the University of Oregon and Portland State, examining Oregon State’s usage of Elsevier content, and gathering data about OSU faculty who are Elsevier editors and authors.
Just last week, the University of California System terminated its subscriptions with Elsevier after months of negotiations failed. The UC system is not the first large research institution or system to walk away from a big deal with a major STEM publisher, but this event has certainly caught the attention of higher education institutions across the United States and Canada. ...
Looking ahead, OSU Libraries will begin working with the Faculty Senate Library Committee and the senior administration at OSU to share information about Elsevier usage and costs as well as desired contract terms. We recognize the need to reach out to the OSU research community to keep faculty and graduate students informed, so we expect to host conversations and forums in the coming months to discuss the issues and possible outcomes. Please look for invitations to stay informed and be engaged in OSU Today and on the Libraries’ website...."
https://library.oregonstate.edu/osu-libraries-and-elsevier-one-worlds-major-providers-scientific-technical-and-medical-informationFrom feeds:
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