Negotiating with scholarly journal publishers: A toolkit from the University of California - Office of Scholarly Communication
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2019-06-03
"The University of California’s (UC) 2018-19 journal contract negotiation with Elsevier has been widely followed. In response to ongoing demand for information, this negotiation toolkit was created to provide support and insight for institutions, particularly university librarians/directors and faculty in North America, interested in restructuring their publisher contracts for journal content.
UC greatly appreciates the messages of encouragement and congratulations that have poured in from around the world — including, as of May 2019, 17 statements of support representing 41 higher education institutions across the United States and Canada. This support testifies that there is a growing will to utilize publisher negotiations to sustainably reduce expenditures for academic journal subscriptions in the service of transforming journal publishing to open access.
While UC has not yet secured a transformative open access agreement with Elsevier, the university has successfully built a strong internal coalition around taking a principled stance in publisher negotiations and, in April 2019, UC and Cambridge University Press entered into a transformative open access agreement — UC’s first, and Cambridge’s first in the Americas. UC’s negotiations have also started a national conversation about how libraries can restructure their publisher contracts in the service of open access publishing and the central role that faculty must play in these conversations.
Thanks to the efforts of open access pioneers around the world and, in particular, our European colleagues (including Projekt DEAL, the Bibsam Consortium, FinELib, Hungary’s Electronic Information Service National Programme, and more), UC has stood on the shoulders of giants, building upon existing knowledge and expertise to leverage publisher negotiations to effect a transition away from the standard subscription model and towards open access...."
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