PLOS Expands Footprint in Europe with a Publishing Agreement in Italy - The Official PLOS Blog

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2023-05-01


"The Public Library of Science (PLOS) is pleased to announce an agreement with the University of Padua to facilitate unlimited publishing across all 12 PLOS titles with no fees for researchers. This agreement encompasses PLOS’ three innovative publishing models, ensuring researchers from the University of Padua to benefit from frictionless, fee-free publishing with PLOS. This agreement represents another in the Europe, following agreements in Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the UK (Jisc)....

All PLOS journals are underpinned by institutional business models that move beyond the article processing charge (APC) to ensure more equitable and regionally appropriate ways to support Open Access publishing. PLOS’ institutional models are Community Action Publishing (CAP)[1]Flat Fees [2], and the Global Equity model[3]...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.agreements oa.plos oa.publishers oa.italy oa.journals oa.cap oa.flat_fees oa.global_equity oa.business_models

Date tagged:

05/01/2023, 12:31

Date published:

05/01/2023, 04:44