eLife introduces new process to simplify publication fee payments for authors

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2023-09-13


"eLife has introduced a system that aims to simplify the payment process for authors who submit their preprints to its new model for publishing.

The system will mean that authors can focus on the submission of their work to eLife without having to worry about handling fee invoices as part of the process. While it is currently in place for authors with a major contribution from a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) laboratory, eLife plans to open it up to those from other research institutions over the coming months....

When eligible authors send their work to eLife, they can simply declare their affiliation during the submission process, and HHMI will handle the invoice on their behalf through a centralised account if the paper is sent for review...."



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Date tagged:

09/13/2023, 09:57

Date published:

09/13/2023, 09:32