Nerd Alert! When Poop Becomes Medicine: Using the Bacteria in Our Guts to Transform Public Health (Main)

Cambridge Public Library LibCal: "Main Library" 2022-03-15


Date: Monday, April 11, 2022 Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm Location: Community Room

Nerd Alert! at the Cambridge Public Library is a series of public talks where local scientists demystify cutting-edge research in a casual setting.

We usually treat bacteria as enemies that make us sick but what if they could also heal us? In this talk, we'll learn how a local stool bank uses bacteria to treat antibiotic-resistant infections and what's next for this promising new field of medicine. Presented by Justin Chen of OpenBiome.

All ages welcome. Registration is encouraged but not required.


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CPL Main Events » CPL Main Library: Public Events

