One-on-One Tech Help at Main Library (by appointment)

Cambridge Public Library LibCal: "Main Library" 2023-10-25


Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023 Time: 12:30pm - 1:00pm Location:

Looking for some basic computer or mobile device guidance? Want to learn how to access audiobooks and eBooks? Stop by at the Main Library for our drop-in hours! Drop-in sessions will be limited to 30-minutes for each patron. 


We can help you with: 

  • accessing library eBooks, audiobooks, and other eResources on your devices
  • e-mail and searching the web 
  • smartphone and mobile app questions


We are not able to help you with: 

  • installing advanced software programs 
  • completing online transactions for you
  • computer hardware and technical maintenance 


If you have any questions, please contact


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