Seeking Lost Orphans – Thomas Ash

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-07-24


"In my last post I wrote a brief introduction to my #citylis dissertation, a study of the effectiveness of current orphan works legislation. To recap orphan works are Copyrighted material for which the copyright holder is unknown or unable to be located. The collections of cultural heritage institutions such libraries and archives hold a significant amount of such material. As they are unable to contact the rights holder to gain permission for using this material, institutions have chosen to not digitize these works. This has led to what is known as the 20th century black hole

My dissertation seeks to determine how effective the legislative solutions to orphan works have been in enabling cultural heritage institutions to digitize and make available online the parts of their collections that contain orphan works."


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Date tagged:

07/24/2017, 13:45

Date published:

07/24/2017, 09:45