Barnes Collection Online: Andrei Taraschuk and @the_barnes_bot
lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-11-17
"Earlier in the week I posted about a drawing challenge that happened on Twitter as a result of our open access collection launch. Today, I’m interviewing Andrei Taraschuk who has created a Barnes collection bot on multiple channels — Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr — that anyone can follow. Seeing this kind of activity is such a big part of what we were trying to do by becoming more open. This is the kind of strategy that SMK Open has always cited — that “open” helps you become a platform and it’s about enabling others as collaborators. Andrei’s bots really demonstrate this concept and it was heartwarming to see this happen so quickly on the heels of our release."
Link: feeds:
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarksOpen Digital Collections » lkfitz's bookmarks