TIFU by teaching my daughter to talk

reddit: the front page of the internet 2019-11-13

Actually happened yesterday. The effects are still rampant this morning.

Grocery shopping with my one year old girl. She’s just the sweetest. Really loves cooking and shopping with her daddy. Is chatty with anyone that will talk to her and waves at literally everyone.

So of course we’ve been teaching her to say every day words as well as any new ones we think she can pick up on. She’s getting quite the vocabulary for being so little.

As it goes I decided to grill some chicken and have a nice garden salad for dinner with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. I took my little angel to the store with me to grab a few things and when I picked up the balsamic vinegar, I heard a familiar question:

what’s that?

I told her it was balsamic vinegar, which she pronounced “ba salty n-word” I tried to correct her to no avail. Her decision was concrete.

My adorable little girl is passing out n-words. I’m mortified. She’s loudly and proudly saying her new words.

We scurried out with no groceries/people staring and ordered pizza for dinner. She’s still asking this morning when we’re going to EAT ba salty n-word.

TL;DR tried to teach my one year old to say “balsamic vinegar” she is now saying “ba salty n-word” with reckless abandon.

Edit: her 4 year old brother is now saying it too. One guess who is staying home from pre school today.

Edit2: some people are asking about how she’s speaking so well at a year. She’s actually 13 months old but i detest giving her age in months now that she’s reached a year.

She talks constantly, asks for things, says please and thank you, knows names for specific toys and items. Asks for specific things to eat. Knows all of our names in our immediate family and grandparents.

The how is we taught her to speak along with ASL (American sign language), so before she could speak she could ask for milk, or more, or to be changed and a few other things before she was able to vocalize her needs. It’s the best parenting thing we’ve ever done.

Edit3: I’m really enjoying reading all the stories of other kids mixing up words. This post will definitely be saved as a gift for her 21st.

Last edit: I’m pretty sick of some people saying my daughter can’t talk, and that kids don’t speak until 18mo-2years. Here’s a small article with 5 sources advocating ASL for babies. It helped her develop her spoken words more easily. Don’t be a dick about my kid you fucking don’t know it all shitbags.

submitted by /u/accidentalnword to r/tifu [link] [comments]