Bernie Sanders is not Remotely Libertarian

reddit: the front page of the internet 2019-11-14

This subreddit has run into a lot of brigaders from the Bernie subreddits. They spam the same astroturf arguments, such as we should vote for Bernie because he wants to legalize pot (because libertarians are just Democrats that smoke weed, amirite?). Look at the submission history of users like u/DSAistheWAY to see what I'm talking about. Well I've compiled all of Bernie's anti-libertarian positions from his website, which should hopefully prove to this subreddit that Bernie Breadlines is one of the least, if not the least libertarian candidates running in 2020.

  • He's a gun grabber who wants to ban "assault weapons," expand background checks, end private transactions, and ban "high capacity magazines."

  • Like Donald Trump, he is skeptical of free trade and instead favors "fair trade." He wants to use government regulations to force companies to move jobs to America. He wants all trade deals to have more regulations included in them. He wants new government incentives to "Buy American," though he doesn't specify what those incentives would be. Can anyone say tariffs?

  • Bernie's "Medicare for All" plan would massively expand the size and scope of government, cost trillions of dollars when we already have huge deficits, ban private insurance, and solidify government control of the health sector.

  • As if Medicare for All wouldn't cost enough, Bernie wants an additional $16.3 trillion in public investment for his Green New Deal. The Green New Deal would also introduce hundreds of new regulations, taxes, and fees. His plan includes a bunch of other unconstitutional subsidies to all sorts of areas, a $681 billion car trade-in program for example. That's more money then we spend on the military, just for care trade-ins!

  • The spending spree continues with Bernie's education plan. Now he wants to spend stolen taxpayer money on subsidizing other people's education costs. That's right, he wants to make college free too. We would also cancel all student debt, leaving taxpayers on the hook for another $1.6 trillion. And to pay for just his education plan, he wants to create new taxes.

  • Bernie also wants to enact several new government laws to place the thumb on the scale and give unions unfair advantages. Among these, he wants to ban the ability of the states to pass Right to Work laws. There are already too many federal regulations favoring unions, Bernie wants to add to the pile. He wants to use an executive order to prevent companies from adjusting their pensions. He wants to establish a federal law making it harder to fire employees.

  • Just in case you were worried that we weren't spending enough, Bernie wants another $1.9 trillion on "free" housing. Everything is a right apparently. Of course he also wants federally imposed rent control, along with other regulations on landlords.

  • Social Security is one of the biggest cost drivers in our budget right now. Most people who are serious about balancing the budget agree that Social Security needs to face some cuts. Bernie isn't interesting in balancing the budget though, he wants to raise spending on Social Security.

  • In his plan to "reinvest in public education", Bernie calls for banning charter schools, eliminating competition to the government monopoly on education. Of course this plan includes several other subsidies and top down government standards.

  • Bernie also wants to end all medical debt, leaving taxpayers on the hook for that as well. He also wants to impose more regulations on loans.

  • Bernie wants the government to pay for "free banking" for everyone too. Because we apparently need a massive government banking system. As always, he wants to further regulate the competing private system.

  • Bernie wants to deepen government involvement in agriculture. It's about what you would expect, more grants, subsidies, regulations, restrictions, and government programs. And raising the minimum wage, as if we won't be losing enough jobs after Bernie tanks the economy.

  • Bernie has several pages on his website on all the taxes he wants to implement or raise.

  • He wants several new regulations on Wall Street, no surprises there.

  • He wants a federal jobs guarantee

  • He wants several arbitrary regulations on corporations, such as requiring a certain percentage of stock be owned by employees.

  • And for those of you that want to give him credit for trying to legalize marijuana, he's managed to make that cost $50 billion as well

Bernie's vision of America is a bold one, but not a remotely libertarian one. He wants to massively expand the size, scope, and power of government through several (mostly unconstitutional) federal programs. I've only scratched the surface here, if you click on any of the links, you can't go a sentence without reading about a new regulation, tax, fee, restriction, or subsidy that Bernie wants to put in place. I encourage people to steal this and use it to respond to the Bernie bro spammers who talk about how "tHiS lIbErTaRiAn iS vOtInG fOr BeRnIe"

Edit: an additional bullet point

submitted by /u/individualistliberty to r/Libertarian [link] [comments]