Stop campaigning for your favourite rappers to be freed from jail. They're criminals!

reddit: the front page of the internet 2019-11-15

Just seen today that Kodak Black got sentenced to four years in jail and in every comment section I've looked at about it has been full of people just spamming "Free Kodak" or something along those lines. Do y'all not get that he's an actual criminal? Or do y'all think he and other rappers that have been incarcerated are just above the law? Either way it just makes you look so stupid! I'm not into rap personally but I don't have a problem with the music itself or the people who enjoy the music. Rap culture seems to be heavily based around casually breaking the law all the time so why can't people just accept that sometimes their favourite artists are going to get locked up? I don't get it.

Edit: Thank you for the Silver and the Gold kind strangers!

submitted by /u/Brightersid3 to r/unpopularopinion [link] [comments]