Anyone who's declaring that Sanders is 100% going to lose to Trump is not thinking critically [High Effort Post]

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-02-23

When we are 9 months ahead of the General Election, anyone who is declaring that Sanders would definitely lose when it is so far away, is not taking themselves seriously, for these reasons:

1.) **He's too far left** - It's important to remember, that since this sub is a very niche ideology, at least in the sense of open borders and stuff, that a lot of the criticisms of Sanders that you see as absolutely disqualifying, are not nearly as problematic to the general populace. The strongest criticism one could make against Sanders is that he's a socialist, which polls at ~30% favorability. But it's important to remember that Trump campaigned on complete anti-immigration, which polled at ~25% favorability, and that he is also blatantly sexist (grab 'em by the pussy) and racist (Central Park Five).

In addition, Sanders is branded as a populist and an honest politician, which no matter if you agree that he's honest or not, is a trait that the general population believes to be true. Hillary was not seen as a very honest politician in 2016, even if you really liked her policies. At this current point in time, populism is very popular, so Trump wouldn't get a monopoly on pandering to the working class, like in 2016 with NAFTA and TPP.

2.)**Trade agreements are not very popular** - Although personally, I think trade agreements have for the most part been very good for workers, a lot of people, especially in the rust belt, HATE THEM. NAFTA and TPP poll at -20, or sometimes -30 favorability in many rust belt states. Once again, this proves that the policies that this sub supports are not always reflected by the general electorate.

Sanders has campaigned on being anti free trade, which is actually really popular with blue collar workers in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan. Once again, this sub can disagree with Bernie on trade, while still acknowledging that Protectionism is very popular in rust belt states.

3.) **Sanders is really liked by young people** One of the reasons why Hillary lost in 2016 was because turn out from under 35's was pathetic. Sanders is very, very popular with millennials and zoomers, which is evident from his strong polling in the primary, as well as his head to heads vs. Trump in Texas, which has a pretty young population due to its Hispanic population, which skew very young, and overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders. Youth turnout is extremely important in the general election, and if anyone can excite zoomers, Bernie can.

4.) **Attacks against M4A would be really weak** - The American populace is really dumb, and no one reads, so this notion that ordinary people would realize that M4A would have funding problems is pretty dumb. Trump is WAY too stupid to make any substantive criticisms against Sanders when it comes to M4A, such as pointing out that Sanders' claim that all the European countries have it is not 100% true. Trump doesn't read, so his attacks will pretty much boil down to calling it communism, which isn't nearly as strong as any criticisms that this sub makes against it.

This can also be proven by the popularity of M4A in this primary, despite the moderates' constant criticisms of it, such as saying that it has funding problems. Ordinary people don't really care about nuance. They just want healthcare. Not saying that that's a good thing, I'm just saying that it's true.

5.) **Sanders isn't even polling bad against trump** - For all the shit that this sub gives to Sanders when it comes to electability, he doesn't even poll that bad. He's [+4.6]( vs Trump, which is essentially tied with Biden's [+4.8]( In addition, in all the swing states, such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa, and Wisconsin, Sanders is above or below Biden by 1-2 points, which when it's this far ahead, is essentially statistical noise.

For these reasons, it's really dumb to say that Sanders would 100% lose to Trump. It's fair to even say that he would be less electable than a moderate, such as Biden, but to say that he has no chance, or very little chance is not a very good take.

submitted by /u/Jirachi_A to r/neoliberal [link] [comments]