If a male form of birth control was introduced (pill, implant, shot etc) would you be willing to use it and why?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-02-28

Currently India is in the testing stages for a new reversible form of birth control for men. The shot can last as long as 13 years but you can remove yourself from the birth control at anytime.

It has had a few human trials but is not yet fully functional and has not been released for public use.

My question is that if this was provided, would you be interested in having your own birth control?

Perhaps allowing your partner to remove herself from hormonal birth control and give her body a break?

Ensuring you can never be trapped with a fake pregnancy or a condom ripping?

Keen to hear your thoughts.

EDIT: Just to clarify, condoms are still the only contraception that protects against STDs/STIs. This question is not to replace condoms but to give men the ability to have control over whether they impregnate a woman should a condom break, allow their partner a break from BC and also prevent fake pregnancies .

submitted by /u/darlin_squishy to r/AskMen [link] [comments]