An epiphany about the final episode

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-02-28

In the first episode of season six, we get a string of meta-jokes concerning the end of Birthday Dad. The director mentions that the last episode "ends in the middle of a sentence," among other things. I was slightly disappointed at first when the last episode didn't cut anyone off while they spoke. I'd expected the meta jokes to be foreshadowing.

But today I realized that at least one of them was foreshadowing, just in a sneaky way. In the final episode, Bojack has been released from prison for a day so he can go to Princess Carolyn's wedding, and then he has to go back. When the episode ends, he's still out of prison.

The episode ended in the middle of Bojack's prison sentence.

submitted by /u/MelodyCristo to r/BoJackHorseman [link] [comments]