I [18F] went on a date with a guy [21M] last night and ended up going back to his place. He went through my phone and has contact information of everyone I know and he's telling me to meet up with him again. I was very drunk and I can't remember much. I have a lot of bruises.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-07-03

This morning I woke up with a horrific hangover and I felt very confused. My hands were shaking a lot, I had to drink a ton of water and everything seemed too bright. I am alone at home because my mother is away for her work. It's 3pm now and I'm feeling better, I still have shaky hands but I don't feel like I'm half dead anymore. My vagina is extremely sore. He called me a few hours ago and he told me to just listen, I didn't get a chance to talk to him and now he is ignoring my texts. He said he went through my phone last night and got contact information of everyone I know. Phone numbers, social medias, emails, everything. He's threatening to send the pictures he took of what we did last night to everyone if I don't meet up with him again. I'm trying to keep a clear head and not let my emotions take over but it's very difficult right now. What should I do? I know I should obviously go to the police, but that will almost definitely mean my pics will get out. Is there any way to stop that? What should I do to prepare for that if it happens? I'm thinking about contacting everyone I know and just warning them so it doesn't explode on me, not sure if it would be a good idea. He wants me to see him this Saturday so I want to make sure I do everything right and not rush into any stupid decisions. I'm definitely not going to do what he wants me to do, that's the only part I'm sure about right now. Please give me advice on how I should handle this.

submitted by /u/throwracora to r/relationship_advice [link] [comments]