LPT: Parents, never contact your kid's bosses. Never.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-07-14

I'm serious here. One of my employees, a guy near his 30s, has a mother who constantly butts into his work life, trying to pressure me into giving him a raise or more hours. She has convinced herself that she's helping but good god she's not.

Were it not for the fact I've seen and heard him arguing with his mother to get the fuck out of his work life and every time she does so he apologizes and begs me to ignore her, I'd have let him go long ago, and I see the mental and emotional stress this puts him under. One time his mother went behind his back to contact me... If it was anyone else I'd have assumed they asked her to do it and I would've gotten started on the paperwork to let them go right then and there.

For the love of God, get the fuck out of your children's work life. The job market today is NOTHING like the job market when you were their age, your advice is obsolete and worthless, you are actively harming your child's employment opportunities every time you speak to their boss thinking you're doing it on their behalf and every time I see someone's mother (its always the mother, never the father) try to harass me into hiring their kid, I throw their application into the trash.

Stay out of your children's work life. You are barging into your child's adult life to drag them back into being children in front of their peers, shattering all respect they've built up among their peers and setting them up for humiliation and a swift firing.

submitted by /u/sparechangebro [link] [comments]