I'd hate to say this but we SHOULD NOT start with this "They lost" sentiment. Are we on the moon yet? No. Did you get tendies or bananas? No. Don't start celebrating which will cause you to lose focus. Keep your head focused and STAY THE COURSE.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2021-04-27

Victory is near but declaring "they lost" now will confuse people if/when more aggressive tactics are used. And then what does confusuon cause? FUD. So stop.

We all have to understand and maintain the awareness that while the DD is solid, the numbers are solid, several theories are all rock solid - that money does not equal resources.

And individuals like Kenny, after many years in the game, have positioned themselves comfortably through favours and business deals to form many unseen allies to assist him in keeping his sinking ship afloat. So do not celebrate early. For all we know, Citadel could shut down tomorrow and the stock could still be attacked by other people who have aligned themselves with Kenny and his cronies. We don't know.

But what we do know, is we're in a very good spot. Just don't celebrate early. That mistake will be seen and as such will be taken advantage of.

Just stay the course 🦍's.

submitted by /u/Evorus_Krayde to r/Superstonk [link] [comments]