How do I stop being racially biased when a specific group seems to target me?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2022-04-14

I am a white 22F living in Washington, D.C. Nearly every day in my neighborhood I am aggressively catcalled by black men - I've been spit on, followed, and groped, all solely by black men. I've realized it's now gotten to a point where my subconscious reaction to a black man looking at me is fear and avoidance, whether in my neighborhood or outside of it.

I realize this question sounds incredibly racist which is why I post it here. I don't want to have this reaction to people of a specific race. I also understand this is a product of the environment and not their skin color. But I feel like I have to be cautious and on guard and that it's based on what they look like.

How can I scope out safety without being actually racist?

submitted by /u/No_Ranger_5723 to r/TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]