My boyfriend is thinking about voting for Ron Desantis

reddit: the front page of the internet 2023-06-07

Uh yeah. He trades stocks and crypto for a living, and is a big fan of Elon. His reverence for that dude has caused many heated discussions between us, as I don’t think much of Elon and basically think he’s a trash human and he thinks that doesn’t matter because he’s going to save us all by taking us to Mars, electric cars etc. He’s never identified as or voted republican, and we live in a pretty blue state. But he’s been talking recently about how the Republican Party has some good talking points; mostly in terms of their financial perspectives- which I’ve been able to understand since he works in finance. But the other day he said out of the blue; “I might have to vote for Ron Desantis”. I asked him why, and he said that Desantis is doing something to support bitcoin/crypto (I don’t remember the exact thing but that was his reasoning). I asked if it didn’t bother him that Desantis also created the “don’t say gay” bill, is pro-life, is signing bills to limit immigration etc. His response is: “none of that effects us though!” As though I’m also supporting Desantis lol. Also wtf. I ask why it needs to effect him personally for him to care, and that it’s really shitty of him to make political decisions only based on what effects him personally. Like what the fuck! He said the same thing when Roe v Wade was overturned, “you’re okay because you live in a blue state and have money so you can still get an abortion if you need one.” ?????? Like that’s not the point at all lol, I care about everyone having equal autonomous rights, not just myself. His response to that was that the democrats are also not good people so it doesn’t matter who we vote for because all politicians are corrupt. Which isn’t untrue but is a stupid response, wouldn’t you vote for the person who is at least saying they have your values in mind? Why would you vote for the person who is literally vocalizing that they don’t care about/hold contempt for minority groups. I’m bummed and feeling the ick. I would like to continue the conversation with him and try to get him to see it how I do. Does anyone have any experiences like mine, advice? Info I can share with him to educate him?

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