What do you say when someone asks you, “Which authors do you read?” Because someone actually laughed at my answer.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2023-06-07

English isn't my first language, and during my teenage years and when I was younger, I didn't understand enough English to be able to read original classic books. We were also poor, so it didn't matter, but last year, I started to read because finally I have time and understanding.

I'm a total beginner and currently I'm going through the top 100. Jane Austen's Emma was just chilling in my house (an old gift from someone) so I read that first because it was Slice of life-ish and didn't have many major conflicts. Ended up loving it and proceeded to read all her books.

Now, like I said, I just started reading. Recently, I met a friend who I haven't seen in ages, and somehow the conversation turned to hobbies. I talked about recently picking up reading, and friend's husband eagerly asked me which authors I like to read. Since I haven't read that many, I just said that I recently finished Count of Monte Cristo, All of Jane Austen's books, Jane Eyre, 1984 etc.

He then kind of started laughing at me and it made me feel very self-conscious and like an idiot. I asked him why he was laughing, and he said that it was just such a generic answer, and that he can't imagine how I can say "reading is my hobby" (I didn't say that) if those are the only books I've read. He then asked me if I've ever read Ulysses and told me get recommendations from a different source :(

Now, I'm just left wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I know the books I'm reading are perhaps beginner books or whatever but I'm really enjoying it, and I thought I was doing something good for me, only for this guy to laugh at my efforts. Wtf. I'm just wondering, what is actually the answer to such a question? This has honestly made me dead-set on never mentioning reading to anyone ever at all. It was really disheartening. Now, I feel like a "fake" reader or something.

I mean, I'm just beginning. What does this guy expect from me? I have to start somewhere :( I can't just join an Olympic race without learning to walk first.

submitted by /u/Lenore8264 to r/books [link] [comments]