People make over $200k a year, what do you do? How did you get there?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2023-06-10

People go back & forth all the time on whether or not a $100,000 a year salary is rich, upper middle class, or middle class. There’s a ton of nuance in that question - $100k for a single person living in Little Rock is very different from $100k for a family of 4 in San Jose. Long story short, $100k is enough to have modest, comfortable life, but you aren’t exactly living large off that salary.

That, and $100k isn’t that high of a bar to clear anymore, at least in America. Plenty of career fields have a clear path $100k, with some time, effort, and the right set of skills. It is estimated that 18% of working-age Americans currently make over $100k annually, and about 32% of Americans can expect to make at least $100k at some point in their lines.

But a $200k a year salary is almost universally considered “well off” by most people’s standards. The $200k club is a lot more exclusive than the $100k club; only 3% of working-age Americans make over $200k. So, Redditors who are in the $200k salary club - what do you do & how did you get there?

submitted by /u/TrixoftheTrade to r/Adulting [link] [comments]