OA Cooperative: Final Report, December 2017 - Google Docs

heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2018-01-12


"The Open Access Publishing Cooperative Study was a two-year investigation, undertaken under the auspices of the Public Knowledge Project with the support of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The intent of this initiative was to examine whether scholarly publishing models, involving cooperation between the relevant stakeholder, might provide a means of moving subscription journals to a sustainable form of open access publishing. The study explored potential cooperative associations involving disciplines, national initiatives, and regional models. It utilized a series of (a) three case studies, (b) a publishing industry/library survey and interviews, (c) a publishing internship, and (d) a number of related technical developments with Open Journal Systems.

By way of an executive summary, what was found in the course of this investigation was that the organizations involved, including research libraries, scholarly publishers, learned societies, and research funding agencies, generally recognized the value of cooperation and cooperatives in principle. However, while the vast majority of the research libraries surveyed were prepared to explore the setting up of an open access cooperative with publishers that would initially be based on providing a subscription-equivalent level of support for the journals converting to open access, the journal editors and publishers were not nearly as inclined or prepared to consider such an strategy...."





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Date tagged:

01/12/2018, 16:25

Date published:

01/12/2018, 06:15