OpenDOAR - Policies Tool - Directory of Open Access Repositories
heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2018-02-22
Introduction In a survey for OpenDOAR in early 2006, Peter Millington discovered that about two thirds of Open Access repositories did not have publicly stated policies for the permitted re-use of deposited items or for such things as submission of items, long term preservation, etc. This complicates matters for organisations wishing to provide search services, which in turn reduces the visibility and impact of these repositories. Reference Peter Millington (2006) Moving Forward with the OpenDOAR Directory, 8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, Bergen, 11th-13th May 2006 Purpose of this Tool To improve the situation, OpenDOAR has created this simple tool to help repository adminstrators to formulate and/or present their repository's policies. It provides a series of check boxes and pick lists for all the key policy options, which can be very quickly selected.