Open Educational Resources Handbook 1.0 for educators : Seth Gurrel : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2018-02-22


Welcome to the world of Open Educational Resources (OER). This handbook is designed to help educators find, use, develop and share OER to enhance their effectiveness online and in the classroom. Although no prior knowledge of OER is required, some experience using a computer and browsing the Internet will be helpful. For example, it is preferable that you have experience using a word processor (e.g. Open Office or Microsoft Word) and basic media production software, such as an image editor (e.g. Gimp, Inkscape or Photoshop). The handbook works best when there is some sort of OER you would like to create or make available to others, but it is also useful for the curious reader.


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02/22/2018, 16:34

Date published:

02/22/2018, 11:34