The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics: Dramatic Growth of Open Access June 2018
heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2018-07-04
Congratulations to DOAJ for recently surpassing a milestone of over 3 million articles searchable at the article level! The outstanding growth story by percentage for the second quarter of 2018 was bioRxiv. From March 31 - June 30, bioRxiv grew by 5,290 articles for a total of 28,070 articles, a growth rate of 23% for this quarter and 129% (more than doubled) over the past year. 38 of the limited set of indicators that I track had growth rates this quarter of 2% or more, equivalent of 8% annual growth, more than double the base rate of growth of scholarly journals and articles of 3 - 3.5% (de Solla Price, 1963; Mabe & Amin, 2001). My best guesstimates of "how much open access there is" are based on the meta-search tool BASE (the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine). BASE harvests metadata from repositories and open access journals using OAI-PMH. BASE now contains over 130 million documents from 6,444 sources. About 60% are open access; collectively, the OA movement now makes available about 78 million open access documents. This quarter, BASE grew by over 13 million documents for a quarterly growth rate of 11%.
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