Science, let's talk: your friend, all the other knowledges

heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2019-04-09


The purpose of the Sustaining the Knowledge Commons research program is to help in the process of transitioning to a stable global knowledge commons, through which everyone can access all of our collective knowledge free-of-charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions and to which all who are qualified are welcome to contribute. One common problem that I see in the open access movement and in the scientific community (OA or not) is a tendency to conflate knowledge and science. I argue that this is a serious problem not only for other forms of knowledge, but a potential immanent existential threat to science itself. At a recent talk I presented a brief explanation of the argument. Following is the abstract and a link to the full presentation.


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.theory oa.philosophy_of_knowledge

Date tagged:

04/09/2019, 12:28

Date published:

04/09/2019, 08:28