OpenEdition and French language African scholarly journals | Sustaining the Knowledge Commons / Soutenir les savoirs communs
heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2019-10-24
OpenEdition and French language African scholarly journals Posted by Heather Morrison Original: Kakou, T.L. (2019). OpenEdition et les revues savantes d’Afrique. Soutenir les savoirs commun. English synopsis by Heather Morrison OpenEdition (formerly publishes 21 African journals. Only one of these journals is published in an African country (Kenya). In this post Kakou illustrates a gap in dissemination of African scholarship, particularly francophone African scholarship. For example, of the 524 journals included in African Journals Online (AJOL), 465 (89%) are published in English speaking countries and only 39 (7%) in French speaking countries. Only 12 of the 24 African countries where French is an official or co-official languages are represented in AJOL. This research illustrates the African and particularly Francophone African knowledge gap that is the focus of Kakou’s doctoral research