Open Access in 2019: Which countries are the biggest publishers of OA journals? | Sustaining the Knowledge Commons / Soutenir les savoirs communs

heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2019-11-27


Fifty percent of the open access (OA) journals listed in DOAJ in 2019 are published in Europe, and the United Kingdom is the biggest publisher of OA journals in DOAJ. It is important to note that we do not know the extent to which OA journals are fully represented in DOAJ; we understand that there is a parallel service called Chinese Open Access Journals. There are a few surprises in the 10 largest countries in DOAJ. Latin America and the U.S. are well represented as usual, while Indonesia is now the second largest country in DOAJ, and Poland, Iran, and Turkey, are among the top 10. This may reflect the work of the DOAJ ambassadors program.


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Tags: oa.countries oa.monitoring oa.geo oa.journals

Date tagged:

11/27/2019, 08:43

Date published:

11/27/2019, 03:43